All our bags are AAA+ quality.(it is the highest quality level in China). Be made from real leather or other high quality material. All bags come with dustbag, card booklets etc.
All bags are checked by our In-house QC before sent out. 1. Check for material 2. Check for color 3. Check for size 4. Check for sewing 5. Check for all attachments 6. Check for hardware and logo 7. Check for function
We will follow up with loading box and will send the following pictures to you. Take photos for all items that will be placed in the box Take photos for caton box with the airway bill that is filled the delivery inforation of your parcel. Make a special mark at the seal place (this will prevent other people from exchanging the high quality bags with other quality bags)
Good service and honest trade usually ship out within 2-4 days after receiving your payment, If we can not ship out within 3 days ,we will advice you at the first time. and will advice you the tracking NO.
Usually the receiver will receive the parcel within 6-10 days after we ship them out.
Any question please contact us.